Thursday 28 September 2017

selimut ajaib

sleep deprivation is anti depressant for nearly half of depressed patients

hola. welcome to my nocturnal diary and the playlist is playing songs from imagine dragon. my ideas are like flashes of smokes and mirror. bits and bops. waiting to explode.

i like my social media and spend my time browsing at family and friends' life and times to fill my boredom from sitting and staring too long at the computer. i hate seeing pseudoscience products with idiotic claims on biology, chemistry and physics when they are totally fraudulent. oi makcik, now hear the freedom of my frustrations.

turn off your halo light, your claims are totally bullshit. even though green energy generated from shit could light up a whole village, your halo light ain't one.  you questioned my path to heaven and hell when i busted your overpriced, bogus science products which you sold to low income families and those who do not understand science deeply - i made my choice, to burn your scam to the grave. and i don't need to answer your question.

when shahnon ahmad wrote shit in 1998, i was just 15 and read the copy from my dad. it was banned due to vulgar and derogatory "words" and comments about filth and misdemeanor among politicos  - although it was obviously a satire.

but i guess, tom lehrer was right that satire becomes obsolete when henry kissinger won the nobel prize. the kissinger scale kept increasing over time  when EU, perez and syu kii were named laureates.

i guess satire is already dead now.

8 years after shahnon ahmad's shit, henry frankfurt published a short essay "on bullshit" that was well received by academic audience. both books have similarities in their views on the danger of misinformation and brain washing of population by mass media to gain political control.

back to the sellers' claim that selimut ajaib can help stroke patients restore their neural functions and mobility. i find it amazing that a piece of cloth with wiring and sensors without proper technology and science could actually regenerate nerves - kau ingat ni iklan susu kanak kanak apa? sel-sel otak berkembang.

of course i am angry. it is offensive to my profession as tissue engineer. you just strike my bee hive and insult my work. also, the price is ridiculous thousands of ringgit. you scam the helpless and those who don't truly understand medicine and engineering. f. u.

why don't you just let the doctors get back to their job - and stop taking advantages from the vulnerable. maybe you should find other jobs. or sell different products like cupcakes. i like cupcakes. and maybe someday i will buy one from you.