Thursday 9 June 2016

walkabout in NY

God, give me the reason, the youth is wasted on the young. 
it's hunting season, and the lambs are on the run,
searching for meaning,
are we all lost stars,
trying to light up the dark

-----------------------------------------------------------movie: begin again,
                                                           song: lost stars, adam levine.
washington square garden, from NYU and walkabout to soho and tribeca - where many scenes from great movies were shot at this famous spot.

the most poignant memory i had about this place was a movie called august rush which starred robbin williams, keri russell and jonathan rhys. a modern, magic, fairy tale and twisted fate.... so i sat there, looking for something, searching for meanings (and wasted my youth like all the lost stars..trying to light up the dark....)

who'd forget mr. chobani, a turk immigrant who made fortune from yogurt business and handed 10% of the company shares to his employees - and made them millionaires overnight. 

dad said if i struggle to pay my rent, i should try selling my paintings or learn to pluck a guitar. at times, i wish i have the time to spend on leisure - and pick up at where i left off with sign language. the good thing i learn from sign language is that now i appreciate silence.

also the importance of being idle.

that building looks like a dalek. amazing architecture around tribeca.
my playlist is now playing jose gonzalez - step out from the secret life of walter mitty. (which also filmed in NY)

nothing is as amazing as new york city.