Tuesday 11 July 2017

innovation and schrodinger's cat

dear daisy,

i have becoming a night owl these past few days due to jet lag and reading - because the best time to read is during the darkest hours of the day. it is at the night time that we can ponder at the brightly lit galaxies and stars, yet at the same time, it brings serenity to the already chaotic world deluged with inequality and environmental problems. i am agree with the author in the article published by the guardian today that democracy does not die in darkness but in the shimmering lights of the Hamptons (as opposed to the Washington Post's motto), ivanka trump 1% qualification - being rich. this is actually not new, in fact, i quote, Senator Padme Amidala's smirk to the congress in the revenge of the sith, on how liberty dies in a thunderous applause.

i had an interesting breakfast talk with dad this morning, we talked about roger waters up coming concert in boston. the night before i stayed all night helping dad making 'laksam' - because he just felt like to eat one,  also it was my responsibility to make sure that he did not fall asleep while cooking. anyway, dad gave up after the third attempt of making the flour base - and then went out for a drive... urgh.. leaving me doing everything while he got all the credits the next morning.

i stayed all nighter courtesy to the playlist on youtube (i don't have spotify or tidal (sorry, jay Z...renegade, your infidelity sucks!) - dad said he loves my choice of songs and shared his story going to their concerts when he was studying in the states and canada.
we shared the same interest in roger waters and pink floyd, anti apartheid and the fall of Berlin - the kids aren't all right - we don't need no education -  maybe that was the reason why i never did well in school.

talking about school, my mom was very angry at me and nagged about the 'viral' posting on the internet. she pointed out that the real world is bitch that nobody likes me. i would be skinned alive by haters.

she told me to sit down and be humble in such classy way that even kendrick lamar would shut up.

my left stroke just went viral.... (go listen to d.a.m.n.)

next week i will be attending international design summit in thailand for three weeks  - so, tonight i spent my time reading on agriculture, cultivating sustainability and well being. i read in one of the blogs that the pathway to innovation is breaking the bad habit as much as coming up with new technology.

our addiction to energy and fossil fuel is what driven the world into global warming. there are only 100 companies that responsible to 71% of the emission accordingly to one study published. global emission

the theorist behind the economic theory of 'invisible hands' and free market, adam smith once mentioned that "it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''.

the key to solve global problems is to set company interest to align with the mass population's best interest to be harmony with the ecosystem's well being.

in today's the free market world and capitalism, companies are driven by profit and incremental growth rate with least interest of public concern. this 'bad habit' need to change if we do not want to succumb to inevitable fate of having to leave this planet due to its warm climate. the saying about the old habit die hard was right. we need to change and reduce our consumption.

i guess this is the time to modify alexander hamilton's policy that placed the national interest to global interest above the principle of market competition. this is why paris accord and regulatory authorities in environment are very important to impose regulations and restrictions to corporations from producing and releasing pollutants into the biosphere.

another way to work on this problem is via innovation. i.e. we need to make better batteries by working out something like quantum mechanics and zero point energy. this can only be done with corporations willing to invest and sacrifice their profit interest.

however, i must be crazy to be saying this because no one in the right mind would want to do that as this will incur huge loss in capital, time and effort.

therefore, our fate on earth is now down to the rest of humanity to reduce the 29% of emission. my wish - good luck at finding a new planet. we are all in this together.

i die, you die.. everyone dies.