Monday 6 January 2020

nocturnal - trying to save the world with food technology

dear daisy,

listening to: all acoustic from 30 seconds to mars.

i spent the time looking at the heartbreaking photographs of migrants crossing bosnia for europe to seek better lives in the post, and was appalled to read the comments from readers. why must the white thinks that it is their burden, not fault to the current economic situation and hegemony. sometimes, news is much better without the comment section, or how many likes. maybe this need to be banned. feedback is no longer important if it serves hatred, prejudices and biases. i read in the guardian today  from a journalist who reported on 30 korean celebrity suicides - the blame game never changes and we should ban the comment section because vicious and insidious comments fuel hatred, anxiety, angry and frustration. we know now that mass opinion and consent can be manufactured and designed to serve horrible purposes, thanks to revelation from the cambridge analytica case. if people want to give their say about certain things, they should form their journal clubs and start from there.

we have two stray kittens at home now and my little nephews had been so kind taking care of them, with cat food and milk. the kittens stay in my rattan bicycle basket, which covered with a flowery cloth and old, used towel from the household. they are too young and fragile to be left elsewhere, and although uncomfortable, because i have to wash the floor everyday to reduce flies and smell, it is an obligation and sense of duty to care for the weak. i hope someday my nieces and nephews will take this duty and live their lives with responsibilities and kindness.

i am not comparing the plight and escape by the immigrants to the stray kittens at home. there are definitely two different subjects, but the context to be kind and responsible is the same.

i am sure i was raised differently and lived at different time from my parents. i was much a headache like my youngest brother, we both had been trouble makers at school. later i learned that mom was cool too. she played hockey and used to get punished to stand on the table during the class time due to mischief. strokes were too common. she said she didn't care much at the time as it was a girl's school.

i want to write about colorful lives, dealing with children's antic which sometimes boiling my nerves and wrecked my patience. travel the world, experience the best in humanities (i am afraid of the worst, may God forbid) and learn more as i go along the line. maybe the universe hold the secret why i am still not a parent but a cool aunty - to let me overthink about the world and make fun of rhetoric to save the world because all road to hell can be paved with good intentions, like carbon neutrality and sustainable development goal.

reading newspaper and listening to bbc or npr made me feel trapped in orwellian dystopian nightmare. my trip to london was nonetheless feeling like walking through the dickensian era while dubai seemed like panem in the hunger games.

i am staying up because of the afternoon nap, not jet lag.

i am also working on a new subject for the semester, which is not my forte and will be my first time teaching. i accepted because i like the name, the subject and the things i can deliver like the story of ramen to alleviate malnutrition among the japanese after the world war, how kellogs, coca-cola and canned food benefited from the world war to become multinationals and big, ice-cream was made commercial and produced in mass scale due to world war, for it was included at first ration and important morale boost support to the troops to help cope with loss, suffering and depression.

i spent the morning reading h.g. wells, the food of God - looking for inspiration to design this course. maybe i will start with the victorian holocaust - the great famine (what was so great about it?) and coca cola - how it started and expand its business to fruit juices, mineral water and coffee (costa at 4 billion).

i really don't know when i will be starting my tissue engineering and organ regeneration work. often the villain in marvel or bond movies were angry and frustrated scientists and academicians. maybe i should learn to be incredible hulk to stay low and work with the avengers. till then, hello food tech. engineering.